Join us

We welcome students, postdoctoral fellows, research scientists and faculty to join us in developing and using single-cell proteomics technologies to explore exiting biological problems.


SCP center members


We have open positions for:


Projects include



The successful applicants will join an interdisciplinary laboratory. They are expected to build strong collaborative partnerships within the group, as well as to develop and drive new projects within the scope of the center. Strong quantitative skills, biological expertise and experience with high resolution quantitative mass-spectrometry are desirable but not required.



Faculty Recruitment

The Department of Bioengineering at Northeastern University invites applications for tenured or tenure-track appointments at the assistant, associate or full professor level. We seek exceptional candidates in the area of single-cell, multi-omic technologies with the potential for driving the transition from descriptive tabulations of molecular participants in cellular systems to quantitative models of human pathophysiology. Although a major wave of single-cell technologies was driven by RNA sequencing methodologies, we envision a next generation of approaches focused on single-cell proteomics and related technologies with applications to immuno-oncology, autoimmunity, neuroscience, developmental biology and others. Areas of interest include, but are not limited, development of novel technologies that enable quantitative tracking of multi-faceted dynamics within single cells; advances in computational strategies that make best use of the highly complex single-cell data sets being generated; and construction of quantitative biochemical and biophysical models of cellular systems.

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Mass-spectrometry methods have increased the specificity and throughput of quantifying proteins in single mammalian cells: we can now quantify thousands of proteins across hundreds of single cells. We are confident that soon we will extend these methods to quantifying post-translational modifications, and the dynamics and spatial distributions of proteins and their complexes. Ultimately, the accuracy, completeness and throughput of these measurements will provide data for transitioning from descriptive classification of single cells to quantitative models of regulatory protein interactions. We believe these data and models will enable systematic inference of direct causal mechanisms that underpin biological functions.


Single-cell multi-omics technologies are rapidly expanding. An exciting frontier is the comprehensive quantification of protein activities, interactions and conformations with single-cell resolution across time and space. Such analyses will be powered by emerging single-cell mass spectrometric technologies. These technologies will build quantitative biochemical and biophysical models of cellular systems and discover new drug targets. The success of such analyses will require (i) careful selection and sampling of relevant in vivo systems, including patient samples, and (ii) integration of multi-omics methods that analyze both cells and their environments. Areas poised to benefit from these developments include immuno-oncology, autoimmunity, neuroscience and developmental biology.

– Slavov et al., Nat Biotechnol 39, 281–286 (2021) »


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About the single-cell proteomics center

The single-cell proteomics center is located at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, USA. Questions about the center should be addressed to Prof. Nikolai Slavov.